vine business strategies ……Excellence or nothing

Vine Business Strategies is a Canada-based but globally available healthcare consulting firm set up to provide vital functions that help healthcare industry players achieve their goals and mission. We help client companies to remain lean and cost efficient while being supplied with crucial services of the highest quality. We are effectively the outsourced medical communications unit, clinical or medical affairs department and the specialized medical advisory team for the Pharmaceutical, Health IT, medical start-ups, Biotech, medical device and equipment manufacturing industries. We provide superb strategy consulting services to hospitals and government health agencies.

Cyber insecurity is the corporate malignancy of the 21st century and the unrivalled existential threat to several organizations today. This is true for healthcare industry than any other. Even companies formed under the ice in Antarctica are not safe from cyber insecurity, threats and vulnerabilities. According to the IBM cost of Data Statistics for 2023, Healthcare cost of Data per breach is about 10.9m USD, almost double compared with financial industry data which cost 5.9million USD per breach! A lot of companies are thus 1 breach away from bankruptcy!

We take the lead in Workforce Cybersecurity Education: Almost every research have confirmed that even the latest of gadgets and best of security experts cannot achieve much until Workforce Cybersecurity Education is conducted frequently and repeatedly as human factor is responsible for about 90% of security breaches, often committed inadvertently.

Our expertly designed and methodically delivered offerings are holistic, instant in impact and unique in content: They improve leadership, increase revenue, reduce stress, and drastically enhance personal and corporate health. The CEO possess twenty-five years of experience as Physician, Business Strategist, Healthcare Administrator, and lately Workforce Cybersecurity Educator. Also having MBA International Business degree (TWU, British Columbia, Canada), and Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Research, Pharmacovigilance and Regulatory Affairs, (AAPS, Ontario, Canada) among other numerous trainings and certifications.

Finally, a company wholly dedicated to the health of the healthcare industry!

Put your best foot forward. ..Contact us today

DR. Olukoye Ibitoye. MBBS, MBA, PGD CRPRA.

Physician, Pharm. Scientist & Business Strategist


It is your call:

We offer concise, concrete, and customized offerings to help organizations with tailor-made operational interventions, appropriate strategies, effective branding, and efficient processes to multiply revenue and bring uncommon growth and profit………our aim is to improve your odds of success stratospherically……act today
